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Acropolis, Athens
Site number:
Type of site: Cultural
Date of Inscription: 1987
Location: Europe, Greece, Prefecture and Region of Attica
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Description: The Acropolis, the site of four of the greatest masterpieces of classical Greek art – the Parthenon, the Propylaea, the Erechtheum and the Temple of Athena Nike –illustrated the civilizations, myths and religions that flourished in Greece over a time period of more than 1,000 years; it is often seen as representing the idea of world heritage. --WHMNet paraphrase from the description at WHC Site, where additional information is available.
  The Acropolis of Athens is the best known acropolis (high city, The "Sacred Rock") in the world. Although there are many other acropoleis in Greece, the significance of the Acropolis of Athens is such that it is commonly known as The Acropolis without qualification. The Acropolis was formally proclaimed as the pre-eminent monument on the European Cultural Heritage list of monuments on the 26th of March, 2007[1]. The Acropolis is a flat-topped rock which rises 150 m (512 ft) above sea level in the city of Athens. It was also known as Cecropia, after the legendary serpent-man, Kekrops or Cecrops, the first Athenian king. --Wikipedia. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.
Reference: 1. UNESCO World Heritage Center, Site Page.
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